Rack Phase Difference, Every Rig Mover Should be Able to Cope with RPD's, coming to Location.
RPD, Rack Phase Difference
3/11/20243 min read

Every Rig Mover Should be Able to Cope with RPD's, coming to Location.
Moving the newer type (RPD Prone) Jack up's is a Specialist job. The Training regarding this is the Same!
In case a Rig Mover isn't able to move the rig to a final position with allowable RPD's because he wasn't trained for the newer type of rigs, than the Barge master and OIM have to solve these problems with all the risks by themselves!
Rigs Moved and Jacked Up, Without decent RPD management are destined for Incidents or a Total Loss of Asset and in Worse Case also Crew.
Quality and Top Notch Training Providers, Train you on Simulators which are build to Cope with RPD (Rack Phase Difference) which is Very Essential to Final Position an RPD Sensitive Jack Up's in Open Water at Jackets.
If you are looking for Top Notch Training, with us you are on the right address! Our State of the Art Rig Move and Jacking Operations Simulators are designed to Cope and Manage RPD's with the Smallest Details into Perfection, to Safe Jacking and do the RPD management, exactly what other simulators Cannot let you do Hands-on.
Cheap Training providers have a cheap simulator, who can't show you the details, just an animation which can be manipulated a little, or they have no simulator at all.
You must ask yourself a couple of common sense questions before you enroll in a training. This to make sure you learn and practice all the operations you need to know properly, and on a Live, State of the Art Simulator which can simulate All Interactively with your own inputs, as real as it can get!
A Decent State of the Art Simulator, should be able to do all the exercises as per below questions one should ask.
Here are a few major Questions you should ask a Training Provider Before enrolling;
1. Is the course Recognized by an Accredited Body?
2. Are the instructors Accredited by a body?
3. A decent Simulator Oriented training should take at least 5 days, which is already very short, why is it that this training requires, 3 or 4 days only, what am I missing here?
4. Can the Simulator let me Move Rigs with Tugs and Anchors too?
5. Can de Simulator let me Cope Live with RPD's, Adjust RPD's, Read RPD's and manage it all?
6. Can the Simulator let me do Ballasting and Pre-load Operations hands- on as done on a real rig and let me level the leg settling during a Pre-load?
7. Can I operate the dump valves myself in the Simulator in case of Rapid penetration during an exercise?
8. Can I Live Experience a Punch Through on the Jack Up, and let me try to cope with it catching the punch during the exercises?
9. Can I use a GPS positioning System to learn to precise position the
Jack Up at a Jacket at open sea exactly on a shadow of the rig?
10. Is there an assessment at the end of the training or is it just an everyone get's a certificate of attendance course?
If one or more questions are answered with No or Can't be answered, one should scratch their heads and ask yourselves, what am I going to learn hands-on on a simulator who can't do all these things in real.....
You get the point here now, what we meant to say with Top Notch Training and State of the Art Simulators.
We deliver what others can't deliver on a cheap Simulator and in the worst case no Sim at all.
Choose your Training Wisely, it's not just a Certificate of Training, it's more what is behind a certificate than just a nice piece of paper.
More Introduction Videos, like the one below regarding RPD you can find on our our YouTube Channel; https://www.youtube.com/@rigmovemasterclass
Hope all helps, Choosing a Provider for your Future and Career!