How to Become a Rig Mover

First of All

What does it take to become a Rig Mover, a Master / Specialist in Moving Rigs ?

One needs to be aware of what / who is a Rig Move Master / Tow master, before answering that question.

A Rig Move Master (RMM) is a Competent Master Mariner or Marine Specialist in Towing Rigs and other Floaters Offshore.

The Rig Mover, Moves Rigs from One Geographical Location to Another. In Many Occasions these are Very Dangerous Operations which can be Exhilarating, Exhausting, Terrifying but also Often Very Satisfying and Adrenaline Thrilling during Precisions Moves, with the Risks of Collision / Allision and High Stakes at Play.

Statics of the past have taught us that up to app. 70% of All Accidents and Losses of Offshore Oil Rigs occurred During a Rig Move Operation, Final Positioning or Preloading an Oil Rig.

It can test the RMM’s maneuvering skills to the ultimate limit and the RMM's Patience and Nerves Far Beyond what the most personalities reasonably can tolerate.

How to become a Master at Moving Rigs

One can become a RMM with a Combination of Training Courses and Hands-on experience.

Find the Gaps in your Resume, (Gap Analysis).

A RMM Must be an Expert in Navigation, Nautical Chart Voyage Planning, COLREGS, RoR, Towing Gear Rigging, Anchor Handling, Equipment and Crew Certification, Meteorology, Seasonal Weather and Current Influences, Site Specific Assessment, Leg Penetration Analyses, Anchor Holding Capacity, Tidal Range at Site and of Course Lots of Hands-on Experience Offshore, to name the most important ones.

Once having analyzed the gaps, you can start working on the closing. Enroll in training where your resume is lacking and certify yourself for these gaps.


Competency has been defined as “acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities at a level of expertise sufficient to be able to perform a task to a required standard”.

To ensure that Offshore Marine Operations are performed to an acceptable standard and in a controlled manner. The competence regimes in the industry are based on both international and national regulating bodies, in addition to Best Practices and Guidelines.

This means that while Seafarers shall adhere to their Flag State requirements for their Maritime Competence, other personnel have to comply with other requirements like IMO Res. 1079 (28) and 1023 (26). Therefore, focus on the competencies involved on Mobile Offshore Units (MOU’s) and vessels supporting these offshore operations. It is the responsibility of the owners to comply with flag state requirements at all times.

MOU Moving Operations

Due to the nature of MOU Moving Operations Participating Personnel Must Additionally be Familiar with All Aspects of such Operations as follows:

Jack Up Move Supervisor / RMM

It is the responsibility of the organization providing or employing a person to undertake the function of Move Supervisor / RMM / Tow Master to ensure that the individual has the competency and experience to fulfil this function. It is recommended that persons supporting this function should have participated in the Moving of Self Elevating Mobile Offshore Units in capacities:

·Relating to Self-Elevating Units (jack Up’s), Acted as a Stand-Alone Barge Supervisor on Such Units for a Minimum of Three (3) Rig Moves or as an Assistant Tow Master for a Minimum of Five Rig Moves. Both Roles Should be Supervised by an Experienced Tow Master.

Recent experience gained as Master or Senior Watch Keeper on vessels which have been engaged in Anchor Handling Operations of a Similar Nature should also be considered when assessing the competency of a Tow Master. In this context “recent experience” should be taken as being within the Previous Three Years, though earlier experience may also be considered if particularly relevant.


In Addition, Persons Acting as Tow Master / Master in Rig Moving should have.

1. Relevant Marine Knowledge and Experience.

2. Where necessary, appropriate qualifications which may include STCW Certification.

3. Full Understanding of the Proposed Operation, including any Particular Risks which might be involved.

4. Appropriate knowledge of Geotechnical / Soil Conditions.

5. Knowledge of Offshore Meteorology and Forecasting.

6. Knowledge of DP Operations if relevant.

7. Knowledge of Relevant International and Local Rules and Regulations.

8. Ability to Communicate Effectively in the English working language.

A Delegate must be Assessed by a competent RMM / Tow Master,

STCW Competence Assessor. on the Above Regarding their;

• Knowledge

• Ability

• Training

• Experience

We can help You

Rig Move and Jacking Operations MasterClass© can assist you with all the above mentioned. We are running Rig Move Master Classes to close all the Analyzed Gaps with the necessary training required.

Contact us and Find out all about it.