Jack-Up, Jacking Training Course, Learn how to Jack and Move a Jack up

Course Development, for less experienced beginners up to very experienced jacking operators who are in need of Extra training to operate their Jack-up with Special sea bed conditions where RPD problems can occur.

6/23/20243 min read

The objectives:

Objectives of the training course are to enhance the safety of jacking Operations by providing proper guidance and procedures whilst conducting Jacking and Rig Move Operations on our State of the Art Simulators.

Main challenges are to understand Geo Soil Data, how to Mitigate the risks Involved by studying the Rig Move procedure and Leg penetration Analyses (LPA).

Theory will be transformed into operational knowledge, during the Training Courses and Specially whilst Executing the Simulator Exercises !

Learning Outcomes:

Enhance knowledge of and skills in understanding Rack Phase Difference (RPD) and interaction to expect by understanding data of Geo Soil Investigation and LPA's Enhance planning capabilities for operations in new challenging environmental conditions for new sites.

Enhance knowledge and skills coping with RPV's, RPD,s, Leg Settling, Rapid penetration, Punch Through and deep penetration in soft soils.

Enhance safety applying proper procedures, guidelines permits, tool box talks, safety stop to conduct safe jacking and rig move operations under all circumstances.

On Clients request we can develop a Tailored Jack Up, jacking and Rig Move Training Course based on the Companies Requierements and their own Jack Up barges


Contact us with your requirements

A Story from a while ago, Jacky Up

Jacky Up Jacky wanted to learn how to jack a jack up barge and was searching for a Jacking training school for jack up barges and rig move training certification courses. After done good research on the web, and asked reviews of professionals and other students, Jacky found a Jack Up and Rig Move training suitable next to his job and enrolled with Rig Move and Jacking Operations Training, to kickstart his career on Jack Up rigs.

Jacky learned all about the history of Jack up and Jacking systems types, 3 legged, 4 legged and even more legged jack up rigs. All about RPV's, RPD's and how to cope and manage RPD's. All relevant procedures where thought in the class also. Then it came to the jack up course day that the Jack up barge had to be moved, this was a great challenge for Jacky. Jacky was the first in class to take the lead for the Rig Move and Jacking Operations, because actually Jacky wanted to be a jack up rig mover deep in his heart but also wanted to know all about the jacking operations too. Jacky studied the Rig Move Procedure, Site Specific Investigation, LPA's, Preload Procedure and weather report for the exercise, together with the other classmates of course. After a couple of hours in the exercise, Jack positioned the rig nearly spot-on at the shadow of the GPS system in the simulator. The jack up final position was excepted but client and MWS logged it. All the positions in class are taken by the students themselves. Finishing the exercise, Jacky turned the softpin into a hardpin and jacked the rig up to Zero Airgap nice and steady, keeping the jack up barge, spot-on leveled , even keel. This was a short extraction of the full story of Jack up. If you want to know the full story of Jacky Up follow us search between our post van video or enroll in a jack up training course and get certified, and one day you have the story complete! For those who know Jacky Up and what he is doing nowadays, pop us a mail at the button :-)

Wish you All the Best and Stay SAFE!

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile

Top rated by clients

★★★★★ 4.8 out of 5

An excellent professional who is deeply committed to his work.

The teaching style is both engaging and informative, making an asset to the Training Institute and a positive influence on the students learning journey.